Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/185

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440 HinoKT or aithbnia;

of tbem Dobiy suffered martyrdom in defesee ctf the faith upon Mount Sukav. They were dish ttinguished by the appellation of followers of



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The exploits of the Sons of Artsces.

A.D.106. Artaces had i^ix sons, viz. Artavazd, Vroyr^ M ajan, Tiran, Zareh, and Tigranes. Artavazd on reaching manhood distinguished himself by many valiant exploits, but proved, eventually, proud, cruel, and ambitious. Desiring to be the next in dignity to the king, he could not bear to see the venerable Argam possess that honour, tod by his machinations caused him and all his family to be pot to death. He then pro- cured himself to be elevated to the post enjoyed

A. D. 110. by his victim. Sumbat, the great friend of the king his father, who had bestowed on him the highest honours, in consideration of his eminent services, 4id not escape the envy and malignity of Artavazd. This great man, having observed the intrigues of the king's eldest son, relinquished iiis office of generalissimo of the Armenians, and retired to the village of Alki, in the province of Timoris, near Assyria. Artavazd took possession ^f this appointment also, which awoke the jea-

  • See Hist Book II, o. 28.

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