Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/186

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iansy of his brothef s, instigated by their Wdttttiii. Artacesy observing these dissensions among his a. d. 112. elnldren, sought to restore nnion and brotherly affection, by appointing the whole of them to charges of trust and importance. He gave to Vrbyr the government and superintendence of all the royal mansions. He nominated Majan high priest of Jupiter, whose temple was in the fortress of Ani. The army he divided into four parts ; the eastern, western, northern and southern : to Artavazd he allotted the eastern division, which was very numerotis i the western aivision was confided to Tiran : the young Zareh had charge of the northern, which was stationed on the confines of Georgia, for the protection of the country firom invasion in that quarter. The southern division, however, the king bestowed on his old servant Sumbat, who had by his persuasion returned from Timoris. Artaces, a. d. 114. perceiving his kingdom in a flourishing condi- tion, and lus sons of a warlike spirit, threw off the Roman yoke. At this period the king of Persia revolted also from the Roman power. The news of these defections reaching the Emperor Trsgan, who then wore the purple, he sent an army to the eastward to bring the* rebellious nations again under his controuL This army appearing in the regions of Cesarea, Tiran who was stationed there, marched with his forces to meet the Romans. A battle ensued

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