Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/202

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��entered a monastery, and became a monk> the former married and had two sons.^

Artashir. of whom we before stated some a. d.260. particulars, being apprised of the death of Kbosrove, advanced into Armenia with a great force, and having then no competitor, with ease subjugated it. He put to death the sons of the deceased monarch, with the exception of the youngest, named Tiridates, who was. saved by a chief called Artavazd the Mandakunian, and taken by him into Cesarea, where he re- mained with his protector for some time; they afterward both removed to Rome. The empe- ror received them graciously, and appointed the young prince to an honourable situation, under the guidance of the celebrated Roman chief licinius. A daughter of Khosrove, whose name was Kosrovedught, was also rescued from the death to which she had been doomed by Artashir, by an Amatunian chief, named Otah, who took her to the fortress of Ani, and there brought her up in secresy. One of the sisters also of Artavazd the Mandakunian, took refuge with an individual named Tachat, who carried her into Cesarea and married her. Artashir having tranquillized the country, remained in quiet possession of the throne twenty-six years, when he died. Tiridates, in the meantime, grown

See Hist. B. II, c. 31.

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