Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/203

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up to manhood, particularly disting^uithed liinl^ self in the Roman armies, as a brave, warlike, and skilful character. Gregory the Illuminator^ hearing of his renown, Went to Rome to see him ; yet, although he placed himself about the person of the prince, he did not disclose to him A.D.285. his real name and character. At this period Diocletian, who had lately assumed the imperial sway, declared war against Hirchey, king of the Goths> and Tiridates accompanied the Roman army sent against those people. On a battle taking place between the two nations, Tiridates engaged Hirchey in single combat, overthrew and took him prisoner, for which he was much honoured and praised by Diocletian. The em* peror, who had hitherto omitted enquiring into the circumstances of the gallant young Arme- nian, upon hearing that he was the ton of Khosrove, king of Armenia, directed him to take possession of that kingdom as hit lawAii inheritance.*

• See Hist B. II, c. 3a.

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