Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/227

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independent of every power; and from that period ceased paying tribute to both Greeks and Persians. He then delivered himself up to the indulgence of pleasure. On the return of his embassy, Valentinian, exasperated at the be- haviour of Arsaces, seized his brother Tiridates, then, as it will be recollected, an hostage at Constantinople^ and put him to death. He also ordered his general Theodosius to march with a large army into Armenia, and revenge the insult that had been offered him, by subduing the whole country. Alarmed at the news of this intended invasion, Arsaces applied to St. Nierses for assistance in arresting the progress of the storm about to descend on him and his kingdom. The saint thereupon, accompanied by several holy and eminent persons, went to meet Theodosius, whom he persuaded to suspend hos- tilities until he should receive further orders from the emperor. Nierses then proceeding to Constantinople* obtained an interview with Valentinian, and succeeded in appeasing him. The latter was much pleased with the saint, who had conversed with him on various subjects with equal ability; and the emperor honoured him with great respect. On the departure of Nierses from Constantinople the hostages of Arsaces family were delivered up to him. These were^ Tirithus, the grandson of Tiran, and the

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