Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/228

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��ibfnityof the deceased Tiridates, whom the emi*

peror had put to death on the first impulse

of his rage. Valentinian gave in marriage to

Arsaces, whose wife was. lately dead, a young

virgin named OLympias, conuected with the

imperial family. With the whole of these

Nievses returned to Armenia. The emperor,

previous to the departure of the saint from

Constantinople, to shew his sorrow for the

hasty order he bad given for the death of Tiri-

dates, bestowed great favours on young Gnelus,

the son of the deceased. He appointed him to

the dignity of consul, and gave him immense

treasures. These marks of favour excited the

envy of Tirithus, which, however, he suppressed

until a fit opportunity should occur to gratify

k. Gnelus,. on his return to Armenia, hastened

to pay a visit to his grandfather, the blind Tiran,

who was still alive in the village of Coash, and

xelated to him all the above incidents, with

which the old man was unacquainted. When

Tiran heard of the tragical end of Tiridates, he

became exceedingly grieved : *' Ah T' exclaimed

he, I am the cause of his death, for I yielded

him as an hostage to Julian, and I am now justly

punished for it with blindness! Tiran bes*

towed the whole of his personal property on his

grandson Gnelus, consisting of various villages

and buildings, and desired him to remain with


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