Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/249

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Dirastamatin, the i^teward of the royal home^ hold. With the whole of these Alanozan returned to Persia. On their arrival, Shapuh directed every possible honour and respect to be paid ta them, and appointed them a palace for their residence. The Persian monarch then obliged Arsaces to write to Pharanzem, his queen, to join him in Persia. He also sent a detach- ment of troops to Armenia, with an order to the chiefs and nobles, directing them to proceed with their qu6en to the Persian capital. The chiefs were much alarmed at this unexpected command, and sent to Shapuh begging that they tnight be permitted to remain in their own. country. Shapuh remaining inflexible, they became exasperated, and furiously attacking, the troops he had sent for their escort, put thent to flight. They then quitted Armenia, and re«  tired into different countries. One of them, Varazdat, an Arsacian, went to Constantinople; and was appointed to a situation in the imperial palace. Queen Pharanzem also, having coU lected immense treasures from the royal palaces, retired in company with Mushel, a Mamiconian, to the strong fortress of Artagers, in Araxazor, which had been recently repaired and strengdi- ened by Arsaces* From this retreat she wrote to prince Pap, then, it will be remembered, a hos- tage at Constantinople, and urged him to ^-

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