Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/250

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tieavour> by means of Nierses and the Greek chiefs, to obtain the restoratioa of the almost ruined kingdom of bis father. ** If this be hopless/' says sbe, "at least do something to endeavour to save me from falling into the hands of Shapub." When the Persian monarch a. d. 38(h <:ame to the knowledge of these events, he was extremely angry, and forthwith caused Arsaces to be seized, loaded with chains, and transported to Khujastan, and there placed in the castle of Oblivion ; so called because all who were once placed there were never more heard of. Their names even were forbidden to be mentioned, on pain of partaking of their fate. Shapuh, after this^ sent another army into Armenia, headed by the two apostates, Merujan the ArzruniaUi and Vahan the Mamiconian, of whom we be^ fore made some mention. On their entering the country, they found it in a most deplorable state of anarchy. The laws were not regarded, neither was there any kind of authority acknow- ledged. They proceeded on to the castle of Artagers, where queen Pharanzem had sought protection, and laid siege to it; but after several attacks, they found it was impregnable by arms : they therefore turned the siege into a blockade. The inhabitants, at length, finding that there was no prospect of relief from Pap, to whom the queen had written, opened the gates, and

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