Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/259

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The noise and uproar increasedi and. torrents^ of blood deluged the field. The favourable wind^ we mentioned before, still continued to blow with increased violence, animating the one side by' the certainty of divine aid, and throwing confusion into the ranks of the other. Shergir, king of the Ghees, a very powerful man, at the head of his troops, fought bravely for some time on the spot where he had first taken up his ground, animating his men by voice and gesture: having succeeded in repulsing the Armenians opposed to him, he advanced, surrounded by his troops, and encircled by their shields. At this moment the Camsaracan Spandarat charged this division of the Persian army, and breaking through the thick array of arms and men, came up to Shergir, and with a blow of his sword brought him to the ground. He then turned on the troops of the fallen king, and put the whole of them to flight. They were encoun- tered in their retreat by the Greeks, and almost all kiUed. Mushel, the Mamiconian, performed many gallant exploits in this battle ; he attacked and slew Caren, a Persian general of great repu- tation in arms ; and at thehead of a body of cavalry charged and dispersed the Aluans, whose king, Jurnoir, was wounded by him, and narrowly es- caped becoming his prisoner. Sumbat, an Anne* nian general, also distinguished himself against

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