Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/260

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tiiftt body of the enemy where Menvaii wit ift* tioned : he succeeded in turning the left wing of the Persian army, and continued, until the end €€ the fight, to harrass them without mtenniflBitBv destroying numbers with his own hand* The^^ Persians at length abandoned the field in the utmost confusion, leaving many thousands o£ their slain on the field.

In a charge which Sumbat madie on the troops,, about the person of the apostate Me* n^ian, the horse of the latter was wounded, so that the miscreant was unable to quit the* field with the same speed as the rest of tha» fugitives. Sumbat, obs^ving thk, puj^sued him with the utmost ardour, and OTertook him at the edge of the thickets of Cagaiovit. The gallant general charged the apostate's followers, and after a severe conflict succeeded in him prisoner. He tied his hands bdiind and at first intended to carry him to the allied camp, but reflecting that St* Nierses, who wm. there, might probably set him at liberty, he cfaaoiged his design. Looking around, he observed at a short distance the tents of the inkabiitanta of Cagaiovitj( and a larg^e fire near them. He ap- proached the spot, and found a great number of people gathered around this fire, before which was a spit on which they had placed some meat to be dressed. Sumbat took the meat from the


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