Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/263

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mournfal event, Shalita the Syrian, and Bpiphan the Greek, disciples of old St. Daniel, who lived as hermits, the former on a mountain called lion, the latter on a hill named the throne of Diana^ formerly sacred to the heathen Oods,both behdd St Nierees ascending with glory into heaven, surronnded by a host of angels. The sight afforded them infinite joy; and subsequ^itly meeting, they related to each oilier an account lot their vision. Finding that the time at which i&ey beheld it corresponded to the period of the Saint's decease, they reported the circumstance in aU parts of the kingdom. Nierses left one son, named Isaac, hereafter, as we shall see, pontiff, residing at the time of his father's death at Constantinople, wheieheperfectedhimself in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and the differ- A. D. 384. oA sciences. Shahak, of the family of Albianus, the bishop of Hare, born in the city of Manax^ kert in the province of Apahnnies, succeeded Nierses in the pontificate ; he was a good man, eminent for every virtue, and well worthy the high office to which be was elected. He was raised to the pontifical dignity through king Pap, who, observing the general moumiog throughout the nation on the death of Nierses, procured the nomination of Shahak, on account of the universal reverence and esteem in which he was held.

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