Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/264

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Pap, after the cruel murder he had perpetrated xm the person of the late lamented pontiff, daily Regenerated; listening to the snggestions of owatnres who were unable to appreciate a good -sovereign's worlSi, he foolishly resolved to rebel against the emperor. Uninterrupted prosperity, vas with menin general, made him forget the debt ^he owed his benefactor^ He dismissed Terentius with his troops, and hastened to collect an army in the province of Bagrevand. Terentius, leaving Armenia, dispatched information of the conduct of Pap to Theodosius, who immediately directed him to return and commence hostilities against the ungrateful monarch. The empeitor also di* rected the troops in Cappadocia to join Terentius without delay. While the Armenian forces, assembled by Pap in the province of Bagrevand, were preparing for hostilities, they were sud* denly attacked by Terentius, and after a sharp contest, in which a great number of them were slain, completely routed. During the fight, Terentius killed Gnelus, the general of the eastern division of the Armenian army, with a blow of his sword, which clove his sculL This battle was the more decisive at the defeated troops were taken by surprize. Fzp^ who had imagined that the Grecian general was on his return to Constantinople, having taken no mear surea to provide for his personal security, in the

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