Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/266

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was bttt a youth at the time of his assuming the crown, yet remarkable for the possession of a dauntless mind, Herculean strength, and admirable address in the use of all the weapons employed by men, of that age, in war. He more than once bore off the prize in wrestling at the Olympic games, and in the public arena he frequently engaged and overcame alone the most furious beasts of prey, such as Hons, tigers, &c.: by these exploits he became a great favourite with the Grecian populace. It is also related, that in a battle between the Greeks and Longo- bardians he engaged five persons at once, and slew them without receiving the smallest injury. Besieging a castle with a detachment of Grecian troops he killed, in the course of a few hours, by his skill in archery, seventeen men, who were stationed on the battlements, and was the principal cause of its speedy surrender, none of its garrison daring to appear on the walls through dread of his arrows. Having accepted the crown of Armenia, he proceeded toward the kingdom with a body of Grecian troops, amongst whom were several distinguished generals. On his arrival on the confines of Daranaghy, he dis- covered a band of Syrian robbers, who had for a long period infested the country. He imme- diately attacked them; they fled, and he pursued until the fugitives arrived on the banl(s of the

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