Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/267

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224 QisTORT or ^rkbkia*

rivec Euphrates. The robbefs passed •▼erdntb^^ trunk of a largia tree, which they used as a bridge,, sod destroyed oa their retchii^ the opposite side, imagining that their escape was then sure. They were, however, deceived in the va«  lowF and activity of their pursuevs ; for Varax* dat, on discovering tbat no boats could be procured to transport his troops to the other side, with amazing address leaped across the river, which was twenty-two cubits broad, and engaged with double ardour in the pursuit* The robbers then found further resistance un«  availing, and quietly surrendered. From thia he proceeded to Ararat, where he performed similar acts of valour, expelling the Persiaua whom he fouiyl there, and quelling a rebellion which had broken out just before his arrival. A. a 38», He then took possession of the kingdom in due form, and the fame of his valour and greatness spread all over Armenia. The Grecian generals who had accompanied him to Armenia desiring to controul him, he became impatient of any restraint on his indep^idence^ and determined tfi abjure his allegiance to the emperor. He therefore sent an embassy to Shapuh, king of Persia, saying, ** If you will assist me against the Qrecians I will pay you the same tribute as I am accustomed to pay the emperor/' Shapuh im«  mediately consented, and articles of peace and

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