Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/282

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nation. St. Isaac then commeBced translating a.d.41i. into Armenian the Old Testament, from the Syriac, as St. Mesrop had already given a trans* lation of the New Testament.

Haying a great desire to obtain Armeniaa copies of all the considerable works of other nations, the two saints, not having time them- selves to devote to this object, sent their learned disciples to Edessa and Constantinople, there ta select and translate those books which were in the greatest repute. These individuals were Joseph of Palin, Eznik ofColb, Johanof Ekeliaz, Arzan the Arzrunian, Leond the celebrated priest, and the highly distinguished and learned Coreun. These six persons having met at Constantinople, joined heart and hand in fuftherance of the great object of their mission, and forthwith commenced their labour. They were employed in this work of translating for a period of seven years.

They were afforded considerable assistance by Maximianus, the Patriarch of Constantinople, at Uie request of St. Mesrop. lliey found in tile imperial library an exact copy of the Old Testament, according to the Septuagint, and a corrett one of the New Testament in the Greek language. These they brought into Arme- nia, where St. Isaac, assisted by St. Mesrop^ commenced translating them anew. And as

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