Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/283

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some difficulties occurred, they sent their pupils to Alexandria and Athens, to perfect themselves in the knowledge of Greek. After their return, the translations were finisdied, by the removal of those difficulties which had impeded the labours, of their masters.*



The re-appowtment of Khosrove to the crmm^ and the reign ofShapuh the Persian.

A. D. 413. About six years after the memorable inveo* tion of the Armenian letters, Viramshapuh the king oi Armenia died, after reigning in piety and peace twenty-one years. He left a son t^i years of age, named Artaces. The chiefs, having consulted together, were of opinion that the young prince, being but a child, was unfit to ascend the throne, and therefore solicited St. Isaac to go to Persia and entreat Hazkert, the king of that oountry, to re-appoint their ancient monarch Khosrove to the crown. The saiat concurring in their view3i consented, and set oat for Persia, being furnished with a letter from the chiefs to Haskert, specifying their wishes. On Hazkert being informed by the saint of

« See Hist B. II, c. 54-^^9.

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