Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/284

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the object of his mission, he set Kho^'ove at liberty. The latter then applied to the Persian monarch for the liberation of Hirahat the Cam* saracan, the son of Gazavon, from the castle of Oblivion, which he graciously granted. But Khosrove had not the pleasure of again seeing his old companion in bonds, for on his arrival in Armenia he died; having reigned this second a.d.414. time a year, but according to other accounts only eight months. Just about the same time Hamazasp the Mamiconian, son-in-law of Isaac, and generalissimo of Armenia, died, leaving three sons, Vardan, Himayak, and Hamazaspian.

Hazkert having always wished to alienate the a. d. 415. Armenians from the chiistian faith, and estrange their chiefs from the Greeks, on the death of Khosrove would not appoint a successor from amongst the Armenians; but by nominating a Persian to the crown, thought he should have a fairer opportunity of accomplishing his favourite objects. He therefore sent his son Shapuh to rule over them, having instructed him to endea* TOur to seduce the Armenian chiefs to engage in revelry and intemperance, that he might relax their minds from the strict observance of the laws of the faith they professed. The chiefs received the prince with much reluctance, and on all occasions treated him with the greatest contempt. Once, on a hunting party with this a;d. 416.

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