Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/329

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Phirot, however, apprehensive of the soundiitas of hSa profession. Would AotperoHt him to return to Armenia before be had ^ttused his youngest brother Yard to be taken from the country of the Taica, and brought into Persia. This being complied with, Yard remained with th» king as an hostage, and Yahati returned invested with the power and dignity of the royal agent. A. o. 479. On his arrival among his friends, Yahan began to regret the step he had tiken, and his for- meat acqo&intanies avoided him as a peist. Thiis he passed his life radst miserably, be- moaniqg the acft of fdly and sin he had com- mitted. The chidft, whom we designate the laithftil, on acoouiit of their memorable stand itL defence of their rel^^n in the Persian dun- geons, on hearing of the weakness of Yahan, became alarmed, and censured his improper conduct most severely. The apostates, who before bated him on account of his virtues, now doubly deteatcfd him, in consequ^ce of the favour with which he was diatinguished by the king. They therefore did not cease speaking ill of him. Thus had Yahan by one unguarded act forfeited the esteem and love of hie friends, and sharpened the envy and c^alieo of his enemiet. He, however, was ^u«te Inaensible to one or the otfaer» being idreadfuHy termeatad by his ebnscietioe Sm the .#vil he ln4 done.

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