Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/330

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He at letigtli wisbed for 4««th« and tliii« ad- dressed Clirist in prayer to grant bim what he desired t AU things/* said he^ *^ are possible to thee, my God. I throw myself upon th^e, do thou help me, and shew me the w^y in which | should go. Grav^t i^e a time of rf p^ntance* and of confession, thsit I may glorify tl^e." He dif** closed the de^ir^ of his heart to the fiiithful chiefs, who encouraged him to (tlefu^s^ publicly from his character the foul blot c^st on it by his apostacy. This he detf)Fmin«d to dOs wi^iting for a fit opportunity of carrying bis iqtcintioQ into execution. King Phiroz, abpwt this time, a. d. 4si. went to war with the Hcphthals. He, tberefore, sent orders to the prefect Atirwusbnasp tq assemble troops in Armenia to assist him, and to proceed with them apd the chiefs of that nation to the country of th? Allans, there to oppose the enemies should they attempt to msJ^e incursions. Half of tb^ troops eoUeet* ed were appstates. These grievouflly molested the faithful during the eKpeditiop, provoking^ and insulting them, by calling th^oft unbfiliei^n and traitors. At the oonplusion of Phiroz'a operations against the Hephthals, tbe Armeniani returned to their country^ and enCMfiped on the plains of Shirak, divide^ into two columns. on«  ^mpof ^d of the Persian detacbment 9Pd th«  apostates, the other of those wbp had rem^Q^

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