Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/374

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took place at this period among the Armenians, in the part of the country subject to the Greeks, wherein much blood was shed. Justinian, who was then emperor, observing this, appointed Ta- chat, awarlike and skilful man, as their governor and general, who, on assuming his authority, re-establishedorder amongst them. The emperor gave in marriage to this individual, Comitona, the sister of the empress I'heodora. After this, Justinian caused many churches and convents to be erected in that part of Armenia called the Fourth, and which he also fortified. Many Ar- menian chiefs, among whom were Nerseh from Bolberd, in the country of Basen, his brothers Hirahat ajud Isaac, Jokan Cosh, Gregory, Artashir, Johan the Arsacian, and his son Arta- van, became greatly distinguished at the court of this emperor, by the display of their valour in bis service ; but of all the Armenians who distinguished themselves in those days, none equalled the celebrated Nierses the Noble, from the family of the lords of Armenian Major, for an account of whom see Hist. B. ill, c. 42,43. Just at the time when these individuals were in the highest consideration, the prefect Mijej the Gnunian died, after enjoying that dignity thirty years.

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