Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/375

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The period between the prefectures of Denshapah and Chihrvilon, and the pontificate of Moses, celebrated for having remodelled the Armenian calendar.

a.d.m6. On the death of Mijej, Khosrove, then king of Persia, sent to Armenia, as prefect, Denshapuh* a Persian. He renewed the old persecution of compelling the people to adopt the religion of the Magi, and barrassed them terribly on finding they resisted his wishes. For some time pre- vious there had been only one fire temple in the cityof Duin, but Denshapuh, on his arrival there» erected many others, and martyred a number of Armenians, who, with more spirit than the rest dared to expostulate or murmur. Among these glorious sufferers for the faith we particularly notice Gregory, of the tribe of Rajik. Whilst these vexations troubled the nation, Johannes the pontiff died, who had governed the Arme- nian church with credit and advantage seven-

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