Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/376

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teen yeats. He was succeeded by Moses the ^ ^' **^* Second, from th€ village of Eli ward, in the pro- vince of Aragazote, a man of profound knowledge and eminent virtue. This individual, immediately after his elevation to the pontificate, A. D. 551, assembled a meeting of bishops and considerable laymen in the city of Duin, where the Armenian calendar was new modelled and corrected. The Haican or Armenian era commences from this period. The date of the era of the new calendar is reckoned from the 552nd year of our Lord. In the following year, 553, the fifth general assem- bly was held at Constantinople, wherein the opinions of Theodore of Mopsuesta were con- denned, on the words of a letter written by Isaac the Parthian to Procl, by the consent and advice of the Armenian fathers^ assembled in the third council of Ashtishat.*

Some individuals havinsr endeavoured to disseminate the heresies of Julianus Halicar- nensis in Armenia, Moses the pontiff caused them immediately to be banished from the country. A number of Mtgi having come with Densbapuh the prefect into Armenia, and together with him having dreadfully persecuted the inhabitants, in their attempts to convert them to the worship of fire, the pontiff applied to the Persian king for redress.

  • Bee Hist. Book II, c. 59, and B. Ill, c. 41.

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