Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/381

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vancing to his support, caused the AFmeniaiMt a severe loss. Vardan observing this, drev off to the rear of the Persiaa troops, and there commenced so violent an attack that confusion and disorder again pervaded the rank» of the enemy. Wherever this brave Armeniaa ehief appeared, the affrighted Persians fled in terror. At this moment the first division, which had hitherto remained inactive, appeared on the field, and made a determined charge oa the froat of the enemy, virbich completely decided the day, the Persians fleeing on all sides^ The victors pursued them until the close of the day, killing a vast number, when they returned to the field of battle. Here they gathered a great quantity of spoil, and buried their slain, ac- cording to the rites of the Cbristiau church, and with every other mark of respect and sorrow which their gallant conduct deserved. The news of the defeat of his troops having reached Khosrove, he became infuriated, and gathering an army far mtore numerous than the last, placed it under the command of his great general Vabram, who marched without delay to Arme^ nia. Discord having broken out among the Armenians, Vardan was unable to make head against this expedition, and being apprehensive for his safety, he took his family, and accompa* uied by a few chiefs, prpceeded to Constanti*

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