Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/382

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liople, before Vahram with his army had time to approach. The emperor Justinian received the emigranta with hofioar and kindness. During the time that Vardsin and his adherents remained in the imperial city, they all partook of the holy sacrament in the church of St. Sophia, at one of the three gates of the great altar, from which circumstance it was thence- forward called the Armenian gate.

Yardan having claimed from the emperor his a. d. 572. promise of assistance and protection, the latter era 21. assembled an army, and, appointing his nephew Marcianus to the command^ sent it with Vardan into Armenia, where they were joined by other forces from Armenia Minor by order of Jus^ tiniaa, tinder the command of Johan, the governor of that country. They also received assistance of troops from the Egerians, the Apkhazes, and the Alans. These troops wete then divided into two bodies, one of whiok remained ilk Mesopotamia, the other advanced to Inner Armenia, where lay the Pm^^sMs. The Greek troops having surraunded the latter, a fight essued, in which 1 ,200 Persians IHrere killed, the rest taking to flight. Vardan, ftotwithstanding this success, dared not remain in Armenia, fearing he might be betrayed into the hands of Khosrove. He therefore went ta Constantinople, waiting calmly for another

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