Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/410

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��diately aftet the condusioti of the n^ar between these two powerful people^ Nierses the pontiff^ surBamed the Architect^ died, after having en** Joyed the dignity twenty years and nine motiths. He wab succeeded in the pontificate by Anastas ^'^^^' from the village of Arcurey, which lies at the «»n#. foot of Mount Ararat. Anastas built a convent and church in his native plac^, and near it erected several inns and hospitals for th6 benefit of the poor. This pontiff set about improving the Armenian cdendar, assisted by Anatiiaii Shirakensis, but was prevented finishing hi^ laudable work by the hand Of death, which cut off in the sixth year of his pontificate.

��His successor was Israel ftt>m the village of a. d. m>

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Othmis, in the province of Vanand. At this em ii^ period flourished Ananias Shirakensis, whom we have just before noticed, and who was distin- guished by being the author of several scientific works. His contemporaries, the learned Theo- dorus iurnanted Kurthenavor» and Moses the rhetorician, bishtip of the Seunies, w^ire no less celebMted. The former immortalized his name by the publication of a treatise against the Maira- gomsnses, proving that all the sufferings of our blesaed Saviour wete ndt imaginary but real. The latter, Moses, i^ noted as to essa^i^t. After It pontificate of tfeil y^^rsWrael died. Isaac K.ry.e7h the Third, bishop of Rotkaas, from the village SfwV


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