Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/411

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of Arkunashen in the province of Zoraphoff then became pontiff. He was eminently dis* tinguished for an intimate acquaintance with the sciences, and was equally skilful in every department of human knowledge. He was brought up in the strictest observance of the duties of morality and piety, by the celebrated and learned Theodoras. In the seventh year of his pontificate numerous banditti from the Lazirs infested Armenia. Gregory the prefect fell in a conflict with these marauders, after a government of twenty-four years.

For about two years after his decease Armenia remained without a governor, in consequence of which every species of disorder and trouble afflicted the nation, increased by the horrid devastations of its enemies, who assailed it ia all quarters ; the people having no allies to whom they could look for assistance. ^- ^^^ After the expiration of the abovementioned era 134. period, au individual of the name of Ashot, a Bagratian and son of one Beurat, rose from obscurity, and assemblinge few troops, attacked and routed the enemies of the nation, and took upon himself the government^ and appointed bis brother Sumbat general of Armenia. He then made peace with the Saracens, con- senting to pay them yearly tribute. Justinian U, who then wore the imperial purple^ perceiving

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