Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/435

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eeding pontiffs, on the wall of the church, but, contrary to the usual custom, ft shall be painted wholly black!*' By this answer he meant them to understand three things : First, i do not presume to be a pontiff, but a shadow of those who have gone before me; therefore 1 cause the black colour in my portrait to be more conspicuous than ia others, which the painters have drawn in the greatest possible perfection: secondly, I do not seek so much to draw res- pect towards myself, as to be a partaker of that esteem which my predecessors have so well me- rited ; therefore my desire is to see my portrait ^ represented differently from others : thirdly, 1 am »i old and feeble man, and unable to fulfil per- fectly the duties incumbent on the high office to which you have called me. I shall soon die, but wish to have the satisfaction to know, that after my departure, some little memorial of me wiH be left behind, m the portrait which I shall cause to be hung on the walls of the church." His prediction, with regard to his speedy decease, was soon verified. He died in less than a year afterwards. His picture was placed agreeably to his wishes, amongst those of the other pontiff^.

^' HaicM ^^^^8^» sumamed Hoylorbuk, from the village "• 24i. Qf Oshakan in the province of Aragazote, suc-

A. D. 795. ceeded Solomon in the pontificate, and ruled the •r^2u, church three years^ when he died. He was sue-

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