Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/436

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cefedisd by Joseph the Second^ surnamed Calidi (the scorpion), from the village of St. George in the province of Aragazote. Four years after this elevation to the pontiicate, £zit» the governor of Aarmenia, was recalled by the caliph of Bagdad^ after an administration of twelve years. Some a. p. rss,

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time before this period the emperor Constantino •» 2dr. married Mary, the daughter of a great Armenian chief, whom the Greeks named Philaretus. From this connection sprung a daughter called Eu* phrosyne. The mother of Constantine, a deep, intriguing woman, shortly after the birth of Eu- phrosyne, having procured adherents, seized the person of tbe^mperor, and placed him inconfine- ment. From this circumstance much tumult and discontent pervaded the empire. The Armenians of Cappadocia revolted, and it required all the skill and persuasive powers of Alex, surnamed Mushel, the celebrated Armenian chief, to in- duce them to submit again to the power of the Greeks. This was, however, at last effected, and Mushel having obtained partizans in Greece^ boldly declared himself emperor. Gonstantine, a short time afterwards, obtained his liberty, and liaving taken Mushel prisoner put out his eyes. The Armenians then flew to arms, and declared themselves independent of the Greeks. The emperor assembled a large army, and putting it under the command of Artashir, an Armenian

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