Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/811

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. \n\n Nesmith, James W., pion., 43, i. 393, 395; character, 402; judge, 472; left for CaL, ii. 47; legislator, 58; trustee Or. academy, 167; U. S. marshal, 309; in Ind. expedt., 313; brig. gen. of militia, 325; U. S. Sen ator, actions, 453, 459, 674; R. R. commis r, 696.

Newby, B. F. , injured on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Newcomb, Daniel, of co ty convention, ii. 423; mem. H. of Rep., 423, 434; brig, gen., 438.

New Dungeness, light-house at, ii. 248.

Newell, Rob t, legis. com., 1842, i. 304; mem. prov. gov t, 1844, 428, 431; legislator, 472, 474, 604; ii. 58; Or. printing assoc., i. 536; left for CaL, ii. 47; Ind. sub. agent, 70 -1; representative, 452; leased pen itentiary, 644; R. R. commiss r, 696.

Newmarket, settlement, i. 464.

  • Newport, ship, ii. 333.

Newspapers, started, 1850-1, ii. 147; political actions, 353-9; births at state admission, 448-9; excluded from mails, 492; number of, 692.

Newton, Mr, murdered, i. 564.

Nez Perces, missionaries among, i. Ill, 115-19; religious rites, 116-18; threaten Lapwai, 268; council with White, 269-72; Spaulding s influ ence, 330, 335; grammar made, 335; cattle, stock, 346; council with com mis r, 718-21; ii. 361-6; treaty with, 366.

Nichols, Serg t, attack on, ii. 547.

Nichols, Benjamin, judge, i. 450.

Nichols, H. B., of const, convention, ii. 423; of H. of Rep., 1858-9, 432, 434.

Nightingale, Gideon R. , biog. , i. 528.

Niles, H., on term Oregon, i. 22; prop. Weekly Register, 378.

Niles Weekly Register, bibliog., i. 378.

Nisqually, mission, i. 188-90; Inds at, 319; attacked, ii. 67-9; fort near, 70; port of delivery, 107.

Nisqually Pass, explored, 1839, ii. 75.

Nobili, Giovanni, arrives, July 1844, i. 325.

Noble, Curtis, set. at Coos Bay, ii. 334.

Noble, Mrs. Mary A., biog., i. 528.

Noland, Rhodes, killed by Inds, ii. 312.

Northup, Nelson, biog., ii. 333.

Norcross, A. I., mayor of Union and Auburn, ii. 485. \n Northern Pac. R. R., joint lease of O.

R. & N. Co. s line, ii. 748; injunc tion against lease, 749. North Litchfield Assoc. of Conn, send

exped. to Oregon, 238. Northwest Coast, term embraced, i.

1; U. S. territorial rights, 254. Notice bill, U. S. cong. passes, i. 589. Nott, Joseph, trial of, ii. 156. Nourse, Geo., first settler inKlamath

county, ii. 507. Nuns, arrival of, i. 325, 326. Nus, Wm, death of, ii. 575. Nuttall, at Fort Vancouver, i. 16;

expedt. to Or., 60, 85; names Or.

flora, 86. Nye, Capt., in Columbia, i. 201, 422. \n Oakland, laid out, 1849, ii. 180.

Oakley, with Farnham s expedt., 227 -8.

Oatman, Harrison, wounded by Inds, ii. 371; lieut. of vols., 510; fight with Inds, 528, 529.

O Beirne, Capt., fight with Indians, ii. 530.

Oblate, Fathers, mission to Yakimas, i. 327-8.

Oblates of Mary Immaculate, proceed to Or., i. 654.

O Brien, John, drowned, ii. 396.

Ocean Bird, bark, ii. 48.

Odd Fellows, dispensation for estab lishing, ii. 31.

Odell, W. H., surveyor gen., ii. 295.

Odeneal, T. B., app t. supt. Ind. affairs, ii. 567; off 1 act in Modoc war, 569-72; app t. peace commis r, 596.

Ogcleii, Maj. C. A., in survey expedt., ii. 248.

Ogden, P. S., character, i. 32; dis covers Humboldt river, 32; com ds on Columbia, 598; at Walla Walla, 673-4; rescues captives, 685-97.

Kelly, Nimrod, trial of, ii. 156.

Olcott, Egbert, see Smith Noyes. ,

Olds, W., of const, convention, ii. 423.

Olinger, A., biog., i. 421.

Oliver, L W., killed by Inds, i.i 395.

Olley, James, death, i. 200

Olney, Cyrus, trustee of University, ii. 299; associate judge, 307; of const, convention, 423; mem. H. of Rep., 606, 671; subsidy bill of, 697.

Olney, Nathan, Ind. agent, ii. 360; recruiting officer, 497. \n