Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/812

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794 \n INDEX. \n Olympia, port of delivery, ii. 170, co ty seat, 299.

One-eyed Mose, of Capt. Jack s band,

ii. 576. O Neil, James, in cattle expdt. , i. 142,

converted, 179; mem of col. gov t,

301, 304; judge, 312, 496; R. R.

commis r, 696.

Ordinance, 1787, applied to Or., 1843, i. 313.

Oregon, early extent, i. 1; geological division, 1-6; natural resources, 4- 6; climate, 4-5; ii. 40-1; society, 1834, i. 9-10, 15-17; advent of mis sionaries, 16-17; name, 17-25; law under H. B. Co., 47-50; Meth. missionaries, 5465; early settlers, 68-77; 251-2; missionaries, 1834-8, 78-103, 184-225; Presb. mission aries, 104-38; colonization, 154-83; event-, 1839, 226-52; Belcher on, 232-3; Farnham srept, 236; Wilkes visit, 2i6-9; U. S. claim to, 349-50; limits, 348-5; message of executive, 429-30; land law provisions, 443-5; negro immigration, 437-8; necessity for better route, 542-3; war feeling, 1846, 573-99; propositiion of Brit ish, 580; first flag, 588; boundaries, 591-4, 597-8; progress, 609; dis gust with U. S. gov t, 615-17; ship building, ii. 27; news of Cal. gold discovery, 42; effect of, 51; gold discovery, 1850-2, 174-204; cost of Ind. war, 320-1; state admittance, 440-1; seal, 444; during war, 1861- 5, 456-8.

Oregon army, miserable condition, i. 726; objections against, 727.

Oregon and Cal. mission, organized, 1849, ii. 677.

Oregon and Cal. R. K Co., charter granted, ii. 696; purchase of, 747.

Oregon cavalry, 1st, hist, of, 1860-3, ii. 493.

Oregon central military road co., ac tions and grants, ii. 651, 653.

Oregon Cent. R. R., hist., ii. 696-706.

Oregon city, founding, i. 205, 207, 211-12, 217-18; progress, 265; Mc- Loughlin s claim, 311; bishop s see, 327; first brick house, 328; jail, 439, 619; incorporated, 443; legis lature at, 473, ii. 59; seat of gov t, i. 536; post-office established, 614, ii. 29; churches, 36; trial of Inds, 94-6; population, 1852, 251; flood, 1861, 483; first church, 677; water- power at, 753. \n Oregon Democrat, newspaper, ii. 449.

Oregon s envoys, i. 754-67.

Oregon infantry, 1st, organized, ii. 509.

Oregon institute, founded, i. 201-3, 300; moved, 322; catholics offer to purchase, 326; sale, 789-90.

Oregon Pac. R. R., construe, of, ii. 749.

Oregon pioneer assoc., object, offi cers, bibliog., i. 394.

Oregon printing assoc., principles, i. 535-6; work done, ii. 31.

Oregon prov. emig. soc., organized, purpose, i. 174, 176, 373.

Oregon R y Co., purchased, ii. 747-8.

Oregon R y & Nav. Co., bridge and depot of, ii. 748; line of, leased, 748; injunction against lease, 749; exten sion of lines, 750.

Oregon rangers, formation, i. 283; serv. of, 284-5; flag presented, 583.

Oregon Spectator, newspaper, i. 484, 575; suspended, ii. 43-4.

Oregon Statesman, newspaper, ii. 147.

Oregon Steam Nav. Co., organization of, ii. 480.

Oregon Temperance Society, organ ized, i. 98.

Oregon Whig, newspaper, ii. 147.

Organic laws, amendment of 1845, i. 470-507.

Osborne, Bennet, explor. party, i. 544.

Oswego, founded, ii. 251; iron works at, 752.

Otis, Maj., in Modoc war, ii. 567-70.

Overland mail, first daily, ii. 438.

Over ton, Win, owner of Port, land claim, i. 791, ii. 281.

Owens, D. D., exped. of, ii. 300.

Owens, John, explor. party, i. 544; at Ft Jilall, 551-2; rescues immi grants, 564.

Owens, Y. P., attack on Inds, ii. 318.

Owens, Thomas, biog., i. 421.

Owhi chief, opposes treaty, ii. 364.

OM r yhee, biog. , i. 40.

Owyhee river, battle of, ii. 520-1. \n Pacific city, White, founds 1853, i.


Pacific co ty, established, ii. 150. Pacific Journal, newspaper, ii. 448. Pacific ocean, natural boundary of

U. S., i. 358. Pacific republic, scheme of, ii. 450-1. Pacific university, i. 138; ii. 680. Pack wood, Elisha, biog. i. 530-1. \n IITD