Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/366

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in about 1775. Taking the name of his maternal ancestor, the Inca Tupac Amaru, the ill-fated Condorcanqui rose in rebellion, was defeated, taken, and put to death under torture, in the great square of Cuzco. In the monstrous sentence 'the representation of dramas as well as all other festivals which the Indians celebrate in memory of their Incas' was prohibited.[1] This is a clear proof that before 1781 these Quichua dramas were acted.

The original manuscript of Valdez was copied by his friend Don Justo Pastor Justiniani, and this copy was inherited by his son. There was another copy in the convent of San Domingo at Cuzco, but it is corrupt, and there are several omissions and mistakes of a copyist. Dr. Valdez died, at a very advanced age, in 1816. In 1853 the original manuscript was in the possession of his nephew and heir, Don Narciso Cuentas of Tinta.

The Justiniani copy was, in 1853, in the possession of Dr. Don Pablo Justiniani, Cura of Laris, and son of Don Justo Pastor Justiniani. He is a descendant of

    Tupac Inca
    Juana Ñusta
    Diego Condorcanqui
    Felipe Condorcanqui
    Pedro Condorcanqui
    Miguel Condorcanqui
    José Gabriel Condorcanqui
    (Tupac Amaru)

  1. 'Sentencia pronunciada en el Cuzco por el Visitador Don José Antonio de Areche, contra José Gabriel Tupac Amaru.' In Coleccion de obras y documentos de Don Pedro de Angelis, vol. v. (Buenos Ayres, 1836-7).