Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/367

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the Incas.[1] In April 1858 I went to Laris, a secluded valley of the Andes, and made a careful copy of the drama of Ollantay. From this Justiniani text my first very faulty line-for-line translation was made in 1871, as well as the present free translation.

The first printed notice of Ollantay appeared in the Museo Erudito, Nos. 5 to 9, published at Cuzco in 1837, and edited by Don José Palacios. The next account of the drama, with extracts, was in the 'Antiguedades Peruanas,' a work published in 1851 jointly by Dr. von Tschudi and Don Mariano Rivero of Arequipa. The complete text, from the copy in the convent of San Domingo at Cuzco, was first published at Vienna in 1853 by Dr. von Tschudi in his 'Die Kechua Sprache.' It

    Inca Pachacuti
    Tupac Yupanqui
    Huayna Ccapac
    Manco Inca
    Maria Tupac Usca
    Pedro Ortiz de Orue
    Catalina Ortiz
    Luis Justiniani
    Luis Justiniani
    Luis Justiniani
    Nicolo Justiniani
    Justo Pastor Justiniani
    Dr. Pablo Policarpo Justiniani
    (Cura of Laris)