Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/423

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We found in ashes of the birds
Our only Inca, King, and Lord,
In the great llama sacrifice;
All there beheld an eagle's form,
We opened it for augury,
But lo! the heart and entrails gone.
The eagle Anti-suyu means—
To thy allegiance they return.

(Bowing to the Inca.)

Thus I, thy augur, prophesy.


[Exeunt all but Uillac Uma and Rumi-ñaui.

Tupac Yupanqui (turning to Rumi-ñaui). Behold the Hanan-suyu Chief
Who let the enemy escape,
Who led to almost certain death
So many thousands of my men.
Rumi-ñaui. Before his death thy father knew
Disaster had befallen me;
'Tis true, O King, it was my fault,
Like a stone[1] I gave my orders,
And volleying stones soon beat me down;
It was with stones I had to fight,
And in the end they crushed my men.
Oh! grant me, Lord, a single chance,
Give perfect freedom to my plans,
Myself will to the fortress march,
And I will leave it desolate.
Tupac Yupanqui. For thee to strive with all thy might,
For thee thine honour to regain,
For thou shalt ne'er command my men
Unless thy worthiness is proved.

  1. Rumi. He keeps playing upon his name.