Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/434

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  Those rebels fell into the trap,
  The arrows came on them like rain,
  Most died in their sleep without pain,
  Not knowing their fatal mishap.

  Ollantay, still trusting, was ta'en,
  The same Urco Huaranca befell;
  Hanco Huayllu is captive as well,
  We thy rebels in fetters detain.

  The Antis by thousands are slain,
  A fearful example is made,
  They are beaten, crushed, and betrayed,
  Their women in sorrow and pain.

Tupac Yupanqui. As witness of what has occurred,
On Vilcamayu's storied banks,
No doubt thou hast told me the truth.
It was a well designed attack.

(Enter Rumi-ñaui followed by several chiefs.)

Rumi-ñaui. Great Inca, I kneel at thy feet,
This time you will hear my report,
I beseech thee to deign to restore
The trust that I forfeited once.


Tupac Yupanqui. Rise, great Chief, receive my regard,
I accept thy great service with joy;
Thou didst cast o'er the waters thy net,
And hast captured a marvellous fish.
Rumi-ñaui. Our enemies perished in crowds,
Their chiefs were captured and bound,
Overwhelmed by my terrible force,
Like a rock detached from the heights.
Tupac Yupanqui. Was much blood shed in the assault?