Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/435

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Rumi-ñaui. No, Lord, not a drop has been shed,
To thine orders I strictly adhered.
Those Antis were strangled in sleep,
But the fort is entirely razed.
Tupac Yupanqui. Where are the rebels?
Rumi-ñaui. They are waiting with agonised fear,
For their fate, to perish by cords.
The people are sending up cries,
Demanding their deaths without fail.
Their women are now in their midst,
The children raise hideous cries;
It is well that thine order should pass
To finish their traitorous lives.
Tupac Yupanqui. It must be so without any doubt,
That the orphans may not be alone,
Let all perish, not sparing one,
Thus Cuzco recovers her peace,
Let the traitors be brought before me.
In my presence the sentence they'll hear.

(Exit Rumi-ñaui, and re-enter followed by guards in charge of Ollantay, Urco Huaranca, and Hanco Huayllu, bound and blindfold, followed by guards with Piqui Chaqui bound.)

Tupac Yupanqui. Take the bands off the eyes of those men.
And now, Ollantay, where art thou?
And where art thou, O Mountain Chief?
Soon thou wilt roll down from the heights.

(To the soldiers who bring in Piqui Chaqui.)

Whom have we here?
Piqui Chaqui. Many fleas in the Yuncas abound,
And torment the people full sore,
With boiling water they are killed,