Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/442

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Snatch from evil thy poor servant,
Extend thy royal hand to me.
O merciful child of the Sun,
My mother is dying at this hour
In a foul and loathsome cave;
She is killed in cruel martyrdom—
Alas! she is bathed in her own blood.
Tupac Yupanqui. What inhumanity, poor child!
Ollantay, take this case in hand.
Ollantay. Young maiden, take me quickly there;
We will see who it is that suffers.
Yma Sumac. No, sir. Not so. It is the King himself
Should go with me.
Perhaps he may recognise her;

(To Ollantay.)

For you, I know not who you are.
King, arise, do not delay,
I fear my mother breathes her last,
At least may be in mortal pain;
O Inca! Father! grant my prayer.
Uillac Uma. Illustrious King, thou wilt consent;
Let us all seek this luckless one—
Thou canst release from cruel bonds.
Let us go, O King!
Tupac Yupanqui (rising). Come all! Come all!
In midst of reconciliations
This young maid assaults my heart.
