Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/443

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Scene VII

Scene 7

The garden in the palace of Virgins of the Sun (same scene as Act III, Scene 5). Stone door more visible.

(Enter the Inca Tupac Yupanqui with Yma Sumac, Ollantay, Uillac Uma and Rumi-ñaui; Urco Huaranca, Hanco Huayllu and Piqui Chaqui in the background.)

Tupac Yupanqui. But this is the Aclla Huasi;[1]
My child, art thou not mistaken?
Where is thy imprisoned mother?
Yma Sumac. In a dungeon within these bounds
My mother has suffered for years,
Perhaps even now she is dead.

(She points to the stone door.)

Tupac Yupanqui. What door is this?

(Enter Mama Ccacca and Pitu Salla. Mama Ccacca kneels and kisses the Inca's hand.)

Mama Ccacca. Is it a dream or reality,
That I behold my sovereign?
Tupac Yupanqui. Open that door.

(Mama Ccacca opens the door.)
(Cusi Coyllur discovered chained and fainting, with a puma and a snake, one on each side of her.)

Yma Sumac. my mother, I feared to find
That you had already passed away;
Pitu Salla! Haste. Bring water.
Perhaps my dove may still revive.

[Exit Pitu Salla.

  1. Aclla, chosen; Huasi, house: palace of the Virgins of the Sun.
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