Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/464

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  • Chulpas, burial-places of the Collas, 187
  • Chumpivilca colonists, 164, 175
  • Chumpillaya, maiden from Yca, sent to Inca Huascar, 242; name changed to Curi Coyllur, 242
  • Chunchos, Indians, 197
  • Chupillusca, rock where Urco was killed, 90
  • Chupas, battle of: Garoilasso de la Vega wounded, 264
  • Chuqui, lance, 292
  • Chuqui-chaca, 293
  • Chuqui-llantu, 155, 408–14
  • Chuqui Urpay, wife of Inca Huascar, 244
  • Chuy, a quail, 79
  • Cillorico, Juan de, schoolfellow of Inca Garcilasso, 265
  • Cintu, on the coast, Pizarro at, 224
  • Cium, successor of Naymlap at Lambayeque, 222
  • Clara Beatrix, Princess, married to Martin Garcia de Loyola, 274
  • Coast valleys : conquest by the Incas, 93, 173, 223; valleys peopled by mountain tribes, 177, 180, 181; geography, 200–6; causes of absence of rain, 201; garua, 201 ; climate, 202; effect of Humboldt current, 202; medanos, 202, 203; desert, 203; scanty vegetation, 203; lomas, 204; fertile valleys, 204; algaroba trees, 204; other trees in the valleys, 205; number and names of coast valleys, 205, 206; ancient languages, 219, 220; coast people extinct, 225; idolatries, 235, 236
  • Coati Island, on Lake Titicaca: palace built by Tupac Inca Yupanqui, 191, 319
  • Cobos: his 'History of the New World,' 14, 15; names of the months, 118; on medicinal plants, 157
  • Coca plantations, 187, 195, 197, 199
  • Coca palla, class of lads, 162
  • Cofanes, a tribe on the Napo: expedition against, 198
  • Colan, peculiar language at, 220
  • Colcampata, palace at Cuzco, granted to Prince Paullu, 256, 261; Carlos Inca living at, 285; description, 286, 287, 318; Tupac Amaru in prison at, 294
  • Colicodendrum scabridum, Zapote del perro, 205
  • Collahua, native place of Salcamayhua, 16
  • Collahuayas, native doctors, 157
  • Collas occupied the northern half of the Titicaca basin, 186, 313; predominant tribe of Colla-suyu, 187; a confederacy under the Colla chief, conquests, capital at Hatun-colla, 187; burial places, 187; defeated by the Incas, 188, 189; conquered, 190; contingent of the Inca army, 191; sent away as mitimaes, or colonists, 164, 191, 197; language called Aymara by the Jesuits, 192; numerals, 316
  • Collantes, Juan de: married Francisca Ñusta, ancestress of Bishop Piedrahita the historian, 260
  • Collao movement of mitimaes or colonists, 10; description 22; origin of tribes, 47; subdued by Inca Pachacuti, 92; confederacy, 161, 187; Inca viceroy, 189; Inca system of colonisation, 191; importance of conquest, 191
  • Colla-suyu, southern division of the Empire, 73, 186
  • Collingwood, H.M.S., v
  • Colonists. See Mitimaes
  • Commentarios Reales, 279, 280
  • Compositæ, 80
  • Con, 103 n.; Con Titi, 103 n.
  • Concacha stone, 33, 34
  • Conchucos, 182, 235
  • Condor or Cuntur, Huarochiri tradition, 232, 233