Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/465

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  • Condorcanqui, Cacique of Surimani, married to Juana, daughter of Inca Tupac Amaru, ancestors of José Gabriel Condorcanqui, the patriot, called Tupac Amaru, 298
  • Confession, 106
  • Conip Inti, 103 n. See Con
  • Coniraya Uira-cocha, 103 n.
  • Conopas, household gods, on the coast, 236
  • Convolvulus, 80
  • Copacabana, 10, 319
  • Copiz, on the coast, Pizarro at, 224
  • Cordilleras unite at Vilcanota, 21; and at Cerro Pasco, 182. See Andes, Huarochiri, Lucanas, Morochucos, Soras, Yauyos
  • Cordova. See Garcilasso Inca
  • Coruña. See Popayan, Bishop of Cotapampa, colonists from, 164, 176; final overthrow of Huascar in, 249
  • Cotes, Don Manuel: gold ornaments of the Incas at the house of, 119
  • Cotonera, estate of Garcilasso de la Vega, 271
  • Cranes, 79
  • Crow. See Chanquiri
  • Cuellar, Juan de, schoolmaster of Inca Garcilasso, 264
  • Cuellar, Sancho de: taken prisoner and executed by Prince Titu Atauchi, for complicity in the murder of Atahualpa, 253
  • Cuentas, Don Narciso of Tinta, owner of the original MS. of

Ollantay, 148

  • Cugma, 91 n.
  • Cuis Manco, chief of the Rimac valley, 238
  • Culebra, coast valley, 208
  • Cullcu, dove, 82
  • Cunow, on the organisation of the Inca empire, 170
  • Cunti-suyu, western division of the empire, 173–7
  • Cuntur-cunca mountains, 179
  • Curacas, or chiefs, 162
  • Curamba, fortress, 174, 175, 319
  • Curi Coyllur: see Chumpillaya, 242 ; and Cahua Ticlla, 244–246; flight in boy's clothes, 247; rescued and married her lover under the name of Titu, 248; marriage with Quilacu, 252; befriended by Hernando de Soto, 252; daughter married Carrillo, a notary, 252. See Soto
  • Cusi, Prince, youngest son of Uira-cocha Inca, 77; resolved to defend Cuzco against the Chancas, 84; followers, 85; his vision, 86; victories, 86–9; becomes Pachacuti Inca, 87, 89, 91. See Pachacuti
  • Cusi Hualpa, son of Inca Rocca, 68; visits his Huayllacan relations, 69, 70; kidnapped by Ayamarcas, 71; his speech, weeps blood, 71, 72; sent to the Puna, 73, 80; rescued, taken to Anta, 73, 74. See Yahuar Huaccac
  • Cusi Hualpa, child name of Huayna Ccapac, 94
  • Cusi Huarcay, wife of Sayri Tupac, 274; body of Tupac Amaru conveyed to her house, 296
  • Cusi Titu Yupanqui, son of Manco Inca, 259; accession, embassy to, 285, 290; death, 290; son, 291
  • Cusimiray. See Mama Cusimiray
  • Cusi-pata at Cuzco: house of Garcilasso de la Vega in, 262
  • Cuycusa tribe: followers of the Ayars, 50; belonging to the Hurin Cuzcos, 65
  • Cuzco, city of the Incas: author's residence at, viii, ix; cyclopean buildings, 32, 33; meaning of the word, 43, 54; original inhabitants, 54; goal of the Ayars, 53; description of the site, 54, 55; torrents, 55; Hanan and Hurin Cuzco, 64,