Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/318

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Oototoh, 1875] "mE AGE AND COUNTRY OF BJDYAPATI. OK THE AOE AND COUXTKV (JF BIDYAP Af I BY "VMTS, R.O-8. It baa been nsnal la spunk of this poet aw tic curliest writer of Bengal, and, as hi* (ongoAffO in iii ■••■! -J- IU Hindi in type, the opinion Kan bmm by mywlf nnr| other* that UlO Bengali liuigmga bad nj t hut Uim not fully ik. ndi, Thisri. InrtaHtflfnl to , w h I oTthtoVlanga | vrifiL i riruli- cat* fox El un independent origin from «ome form of Prakrit, They ham apparently set to work to warob out the ag» ofBidjnnati, 10 oa to thnve whether be wua really a Bengali or not, A very l&fa nrtiele ha* appeared on tin* mtb. jcoi in lh' tat 1 that excel h-nt It, > ujnganiitt ttnj EtaKju /J-intou (X»> ','. fili It Imitiw oouwtbing 1 - ■ iu the jdiape of dearer ""I"* 1 tin on which flu.- stftte- mmttrt nrv founded, and thrre are .mouiu points which I *til! for) taantkuod, but the main Cue 1 i think, unassailable. , ^ pTO© irgn- nii'iit, and the oonohtikma iimral a F „ n own oonmamiU. In an article on B i d j A pa t. i in 1 1 ml, J I. p. ST, I described hi* 1 gttag» mely Eastern II ir.- I on p- 40 na ° the vtronen la r -, d . " In the same aeriea of t frol I! , I wrohi of it a* "more properly iiila

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three diflerutit way* or stating tho same r ifM nrriTed at from an ««< fJttgQ rather t?i | histori- cal or 01 !«■' rations Thotign I thu ■ntto 'ho writer in tin • my to find thai the oonclaiioii to which J « . purely •iji^uinlh* rrovons bat now been confirmed by actual docunicnturr ovidem ■ wrong about, and mum novr ubandon. From the expre*nion in Pcttiakatyatarv, 1 ft 1 7, " ji 1 nclui tmrox- MV twit n-ni«ml to «>lVr ■ nhrtlw tVi i«* impcrfirUy I m*y b*f accuuijilMUod i I v«utur« tuhept tiiit J ilufl m>i 1*> liWft-d with nibtw, vara , " 1 and the pand'tra whom I canmiltfd led to Muppo»o i!.. rv sided at N adiy A . The interpretation thna awugn (J aura was supported by mvan taoni ;' — I Uidyapati'a meeting wiri vho |i vc d in tho adjaocnl dirtri iMtn, ■ "f BTad Um birth- nyri, who, a* -wo know firoii Wlii fond of fringing 3. The fhot tltnt Xadiya wan thn ««it of a oelrl ■ .}jia. niTirlii,'«ion id* to ilin poet's conntiy hvwj* N'ndiyn did not btou thnn aa Itnrmon* th his language, nnd somo of my Bi 1 fr'naitU wwbed u it by ibu theory that the poot osod I In? Braj Be ifl fpocaal I y flppropritttn to xongs injir.1. To &ui theory iliaro wm howover, th. tliat B i il y il p n t i ' t> lan^un^ thon^h Hindi, in clearly not Bruj llliiauA, or anything likt- it, bni Maiihiln, wfaioli is a very ilifR-rfnr thing; and bo the natjoratuiQ of the Kruibna-cmltun Ht ilriudaban bv rlofM and Sun A tana, followers ' ' I f ht- Broj Ithu^ba wan not < dvrvd pocn to Krbhim-byruns. JoyuH-vu. , uk well as Uupa ktnim Llu!ini<clvus, mot] Sanufcrit. To solve thin <pH*l !,o Btinga frarktnn marts by obeervMig that Bidyflpati'i eontempornry ObondJ Dia write Bengali, .m,| this explodes it wu in that age tir ud closely ruuud>ting 1 1 Hindi, After' ' goon on toabow, fr> two 1 hut l.!i'lyApati a M home mnnt have- h-eun in Mine plnep not baa boon led by thin argument to seek for it in tin* nearul Hinili-vpeaking prvvim! - f ( , r j| Ohi l*uin^ a Bengali, wrote Kriibna- an in hi* motllOrvtongteO, tt isafair ioltrvii thai II i «[ y I p 1 1 i iroaM al«o n*u hu nu>i rinm» my RopuMitlsnfft with JvlMi iU-itn It Ami « <■! tsuart tluii Imwty y«T»" KUiulimr, ui..l I Jlw <«t I hn«*. -InTTBff that tioift, Uunt t« mnlmtatMl him • ItttJi*. ■ wt-mld ,>!.«# i.e mm UuUm btttor jaatiue ii cm t-i (aupoi l kkaa I eae da