Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/319

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INDIAN ANTIQUAKY. [OcTflnm tongue : and a* the language lie rise* is MaitUilft Hindi, tho conclusion h, thftt lie ma a native of M i ■ t h i 1 A . I may b I to lb* writm***- fhilu closely ttppn ho la of the preterite, (ho ehnrac* (eristic, rur of i he interchange of J and ji, tho nominal affixes to nnd m t anil other points. He ami uuHces thn aTlusiona made by llie patrona TUja SihSingha (Siva S i I upa ti aruynuu : Ida patron '* h b hiraft Dt'W; hi*i frioiidj. Bij:iyu«imyttna ftt uuthu ; uii>' •* that the pout wu attached to flu C01 ill.* xppj iiwpirni li i i*ara to barn thought «v tag Huiut' learned men of the province 1 1 I . which WOS I co-extensive v'i i Q dirtrid rf lirimi, occupying tho errantry between the tlntigm and tbo UitnAloyna, andextondiwg otj the fi sb tbo Gwndak river, ami on the cast quite up to r if nor l.-ynmL Lho old bed of tli^ Ku«i river in Pur-aiiiy/i {'Pnmeah'). , A<* i 1>ia researches bo found thtti B i d y u p ft t i hi "till well known in Tirhut, anil ban left aomO lyric* wMoh arc Rfcill rang bjf the pooplo and are in WftifllflOi On this point, however, I would observe Lbat these annga m:: ID mrKlernixed : indeed thoy loot very modi Ofl : words ftjiiirt, ^iimu, uVl a jv •*'♦£■». li iou*. Rnt tho mfMt imjHjriant discovery i* that of /r Qf ofaorilole of the king* of Mithila. • hi*d that the author had Laid ns where if i is b o bo found, B toll* us that it llflJ, and boginj ml Jnuka in tho reign ofHnri Stngba Dovn. The tho king's name agree in a singular way with kbftl Etori Singh* Dwva who was at Simnioti (SoAftlc ^amarogrtiuia), and prho wna conquered by Tuprhhik f$luh in a.d. I .ind tied 'intikui*, whonj Li' liiniiil- i.i.! Lbc Id i uianijn, nr 'tb« iroodonpalaoo-' Slxomouui in tbu BX I ■omul- ufTirhut, urn) ji* ruins are very «itou«iT». in I tmnitinn If. made of n king of Tirln Smna,Mid curded tlmt lb«ru wiw. one B i d y n p u t i , f ianiijjiiti, non isf Juya Ditto, mtn of Dbirea- warn, goti «»f U--v/iditya, *tm of DbnnnAdilya. Tins is uur pott, and it In Btmng© thai I gbooM be two clrcuniNta4iLial tnnliijon 1 , about the Hune man. Tbe MaiLbilaa claim biui an thf-ir mm, and tho i! ii." p. ■'■', . uuUto hfan oat to bo a Jes* wore iijujj — •♦Orbis tv paiiik ccrtut, Hosnere, tnii." Ititja Sib Si ii gun is wild to btive lived at Su- , a villago still extant. A onriono legend ia told uT u» being deliverod from pi-Json at —into wbinb bo luul been east by the .Emperor — through the irif-.trnmnntality' of our (IjOQt, who sliow-d hiuiseir (o bo posw«*ml of miraeulnna powera. Tbe Pnd&hJtb gavo bun tbo village of Kipafil inTirbnt; and Sib Siuirbn, up- pareully to wave bis own claims aa , uIbo mads Lira a grant of Lbe same, Tbe deed of gift is said to bo fitfli extant in tbo pnarasaiaa of Hi I.- jjoet'a deacendanls, who village. Certain exprpfisiona in this grant rui&e u qutif* taon of date which is somewhat difficult (0 oottle. Tbe document roeitos tbat the grant was made in the two hundred uml wncty-tMrd year of I bo «ra of Tdiksbnmu Son. Tbo Sen K&jns

  • >t r Ii..'u-Mi tauA then bavo oxeituwd bouio *ort

-1'Jidt.liip in M i t b 3 ) u , Tho writer tella uh tluit the era of Imkstuiiuij I .jiim-nt among the par;4iis of Mithilu, und tbiii tni year 1*74 A.n. ~ 767ofleJcahman, nr iho L. 3. era aM it in tidied. Tho Oca A.o no7orSAknT^O. and I-. 8. 238 - Sakft Tb& i: t'rt date given liim fr 1481, which w a little lator than tbo date UOW Dal there i* another difficulty. Tlu? Vunji Rtatr^ reign did not begin till Soka l»0l* eai a. it- 1 I W, BO 'I'mf tho irnint waa mado -k> ruars before he ascended the tl U uaitbila pwn§Hagot ont ol thUbv Kaying thai ■ ilngb waa or regeut for bis i and lliey udd tluit In j n. tkiba Sin^'b, roignird i>t par--, bo that ha mw-t bavo b-^n old and brAnn for a long period ; denilii. Siill tlmi iir ibeold havo been ot to resign all tictive participntion in the govern* tlw utklo b M, Awt toI. tl. i|uuU^I *Wm.