Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/149

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Scarface Charley replied, saying: "Wait, my husky chief, I will be at your side in a few counts."

He and his companion reined their horses up stream to a ford they both knew of. When they arrived, Jack, Ha-kar- gar-ush and a few others were sitting down on some rocks near Jack's lodge with their trusty rifles across their laps. None of them spoke a word. The two scouts dismounted, secured their horses, took their guns in their left hands, walked up right among Jack's men and offered their hands. None of the others offered their hands in greeting to the scouts. They sat on the rocks motionless and silent, neither looking to the right or left. Bogus Charley backed away treat your o\vn companions. What do you all mean? Am from them for a few steps and said : "This is a nice way to I a stranger or am I a dog? Tell me quick. I have no time to fool aw r ay. Yonder sun waits not for me or for you either. I come to you with good news. You ought to be glad that I and your friend, Scarface Charley, have not left this work to the soldiers. You know wherever the soldiers find or see you they will shoot you like we shoot the deer, bear, coyotes and all other wild animals. Why do you treat me in this shameful way? Am I not a Modoc? I am a Modoc. Did I not face the white man, his guns in battle by your side? Am I a coward? Did I not show you how a Modoc could fight for his rights? I left you as a friend and seek you as one. I am here in your behalf. I do not want you to be shot down on sight. You still stand a show to live if you do the right thing. Do battle no more. Give up your gun. Go with Charley and me to the soldiers' camp. Fight no more. You will get justice, believe me. I tell you the truth. You know it is better to meet Scarface Charley and I here than to meet your enemies. I gave myself up some time ago, also all the others. We are all right now. We get all we want to eat."

At this stage of Bogus Charley's talk, Capt. Jack jumped to his feet and said: "Bogus, say no more. You have said enough. You say you seek me as a friend. I know you are a Modoc, and so is your companion," pointing at Scarface