Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/150

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Charley, "but you are not my friends today. You know it. I am not blind, neither am I a fool. You come here, both riding soldiers' horses, armed with government guns. You have told me that you gave yourselves up, also all of my other people, except the few that are here with me now. You are now working for the soldiers. You intend to buy your liberty and freedom by running me to earth and delivering me to the soldiers, which you and your friend here," point- ing to Scarface Charley, "will never accomplish. I will die by my own hand before I let you get the praise of capturing me, you hearty dogs, both of you. I little suspected you when I agreed to kill Canby when you forced me to do that cowardly act, that you would turn traitor to me, for your freedom and money. This proves to me that you men are cowards. You realize that life is sweet, but you did not think so when you men forced me to promise that I would kill that man, Canby. I knew life was sweet all the time; that is the reason I did not want to fight the white people. I knew if we did, it would be all off with me and my people, but I was mistaken. I thought we would all stand side by side if we did fight and die fighting. I see now I am the only one to forfeit my life for killing Canby, perhaps one or two others. As you say, you and all the others that gave themselves up are getting along fine, and plenty to eat, you say. You have made your point win all right so far, but we shall see it may turn out that you and your dog companion will not be able to reach the soldiers' camp as well and as hearty as you left it when you took up my trail. You know, Bogus , sometimes a man gets blind and shoots his own friends. I am getting blind right along. It makes my blood boil to think that you had the cheek to come here and tell me that you was my friend, and was here in my behalf. How could you expect me to believe such stuff? You are here to lie and deceive me like you did when you forced me to murder General Canby, saying you all would fight to the last. This looks like fight- ing and standing by my side. Oh, you bird-hearted men, you turned against me, but you shall not enjoy your cowardly liberty many days. The only way you can get the best of