Page:The Innocents Abroad (1869).djvu/23

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144. Yalta from the Emperor’s Palace 392
145. Emperor of Russia 393
146. Tinsel King 399
147. Ship Emperor 404
148. The Reception 405
149. Street Scene in Smyrna 411
150. Smyrna 413
151. An Apparent Success 416
152. Drifting to Starboard 419
153. A Spoiled Nap 420
154. Ancient Amphitheatre at Ephesus 422
155. Modern Amphitheatre at Ephesus 423
156. Ruins of Ephesus 424
157. The Journey 425
158. Graves of the Seven Sleepers 429
159. The Selection 434
160. Camping Out 436
161. Tail Piece—Arabs’ Tents 437
162. A Good Feeder 439
163. Interesting Fête 440
164. Sunday School Grapes 442
165. An Old Fogy 445
166. Race with a Camel 446
167. Temple of the Sun 447
168. Ruins of Baalbec 449
169. Hewn Stones in Quarry 450
170. Mercy 452
171. Patron Saint 453
172. Water Carrier 455
173. View of Damascus, (Full Page) face page 456
174. Street Cars of Damascus 460
175. Full Dressed Tourist 466
176. Impromptu Hospital 474
177. The Horse “Baalbec” 476
178. Oak of Bashan 479
179. Dangerous Arab 482
180. Grimes on the War-Path 483
181. Tail-Piece—Bedouin Camp 487
182. Home of Ancient Pomp 489
183. Jack 491
184. A Disappointed Audience 493
185. Fig-Tree 495
186. “Fare too High” 497
187. Syrian House 504
188. Tiberias and Sea of Galilee 506
189. The Guard 516
190. Mount Tabor 521
191. Tail-Piece—Gathering Fuel 524
192. Fountain of the Virgin 530
193. “Madonna-like Beauty” 531
194. Putnam Outdone 533
195. The Bastinado 535
196. “I Wept” 536
197. Want of Dignity 539
198. An Oriental Well 544