Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/152

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142 Journal of Philology. Lysias ausgew. Reden. Erkl. v. Rauchenstein. 2nd Edition. With 2 additional speeches. 8vo. pp. vi. and 214. Leipz., Weidm. 12 Ngr. MsDciani, Volusii, distributio partium. Ed. Mommsen. 4to. pp. 18. Leipz. Hirschel. 6 Ngr. [Repr. from the Leipz. Trans. Vol. III.]. Maldonati Comment, in IV Evang. ad opt. libr. fid. accuratiss. recudi curavit Conr. Martin. 2nd Edition, in 2 Vols, corrected. Vol. I. pp. xvi. and 630. Moguntia?, Kirchheim. 4 Thlr. Medici scriptores. Daremberg, Ch., Notices et extraits des manuscrits me'd. gr. lat. et franais des principales bibliotheques de l'Europe. pt. 1. 8vo. Paris. 2 Thlr. 3 Ngr. Meier, Fr. Karl, Lehrb. d. Dogmengesch. f. akad. Vorles. 2nd Edition. By Dr Gust. Baur. 8vo. pp. xix. and 412. Giessen, Ricker. 2 Thlr. Menachem de Lonzano, Erkl. v. Fremdwb'rtern in d. Talmuden, d. Midraschim u. d. Sohar...Nach d. seltenen Ven. ed. v. J. 1618. hrsg. v. A. Jellinek. 8vo. pp. viii. and 135. Leipz. Hunger. 1 Thlr. Meyer, H. A. W. Krit. exeg. Handb. lib. d. Rbmerbrief. 2nd.* ed. 8vo. pp. xii. and 449. Gottingen, Vandenhoeckh and Ruprecht. l~i Thlr. Migne, Nouvelle Encyclop. the'ol. publ. par M. Migne. Vol. XLII. Diet, d'anthro- pologie. Large 8vo. pp. 800. Paris. 8 francs. Mittheilungen d. antiqu. Gesellsch. in Zurich. Vol. VII. Parts IV. and V. Zurich, Meyer u. Zeller. 17 Ngr. (Part IV. Celtic Settlement on the Ebersberg, near Berg am Irchel. By Geo. v. Escher v. Berg. 4to. pp. 8, with 3 lithogr. Part V. Etruscan Antiquities found in Switzerland. Excavations at Grachwyl, canton Bern. By A. Jahn. pp. 16, with 4 lithogr.) Miiller, Abbe' Phil., d. rom. Papste. Vol. XL 8vo. pp. 306. Wien. Mechitharisten- Congr. -Buchhandlung. Ovidius. Linder, C. G., Quaest. Ov. 2. 8vo. pp. 46. Upsal. (Holmiae, Samson u. Wallin). 5 Ngr. Passavant, J. D., d. christl. Kunst in Spanien. 8vo. pp. vii. and 184. Leipz., R. Weigel. 1 Thlr. Passow's Handworterb. d. griech. Sprache von Rost, Palm, &c. Edition 5. 4to. Vol. II. pp. 16031698 (crvyKvprjfia avveKSairavdui). The work, as far as completed, 8 Thlr. 18 Ngr. Pausanias. Panofka, Thdr., Proben e. archaol. Comm. zu Paus. Mit 28 Bildwerken. 4to. pp. 46. Berlin, Trautwein. 1?; Thlr. Pentateuch, m. hebr. Texte, deutscher Uebers. u. erkl. Noten v. Landesrabb. Dr S. Herxheimer. 2nd Edition, enlarged. Leviticus. 8vo. pp. 385512. Bernburg, Groening. 18 Ngr. Photius. Histoire de Photius...d'apres les documents originaux, la plupart encore inconnus ; accompagndo d'une introd., de notes hist, et de pieces justif. ; par M. l'abbd Jager. 2nd Edition. 12mo. pp.336. Paris, Vaton, rue du Bac. Price 3 fr. Platon's s'ammtl. Werke, ubers. v. H. Miiller. Vol IV. 8vo. pp. v. and 775. Leipz. Brockhaus. 3 Thlr. Plauti Captivi. Cum comm. et interpr. suecana ed. Ek. Lundse. (Lips., Weigel). 8vo. pp. 115. 24 Ngr. Poetse lyr. Gr. Recens. Th. Bergk. Ed. alt. auct. et emend. Fasc. poster. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 4101093. Lips., Reichenbach. Compl. , r ). Thlr. Pompeii Trogi fragm., quorum al. in codd. MSS. bibl. Ossolinianas invenit, al. in operibus scriptorum maximam partem Polonorum jam vulgatis primus animadvertit, fragm. pridem nota adjunxit, ac una cum prologis hist. Philippicarum et crit. annot. ed. Aug. Bielowski. 8vo. pp. xxvi. and 91. Leopoli (Lips., Wagner). 1 Thlr. Puchta, Cursus d. Inst. Vol. II. 4th Edition, enlarged. (Edited by Rudorff). 8vo. pp. xii. and 827. Leipz. Breitkopf and Hartel. 3^ Thlr.