Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/153

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List of New Bools. 143 Rathgeber's Schriften. 2nd Part. (Description and Explanation of the winged figures in the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Hebrew and Phoenician works of art, &c.) Fol. pp. 61188. Gotha, Miiller. 3 Thlr. Repertorium ub. d. vom J. 1800 bis 1850 in akad. Abh., Gesellschaftschriften, &c. auf d. Gebiete d. Gesch. u. ihrer Hiilfswissensch. ersch. Aufsatze. By Dr. W. Koner. 8vo. Vol. I. Part I. pp. iv. and 262 ; Part II. pp. 548. Vol. II. Part I. pp. 172. Berlin, Nicolai. 6 Thlr. Beuter, Prof. Herm., Clem. Alex, theol. mor. capitum sel. particulae. 8vo. pp. 45. Berol., Wiegandt u. Grieben. 5 Ngr. Romer-Buchner, Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Stadt Frankf. am M. u. ihres Geb., v. d. ersten geschichtl. Kenntn. bis zum X Jahrh. nebst chronol. Uebers. u. Beweisstell. lib. d. Romerherrsch. im Rheingebiet bis z. J. 450. 8vo. pp. iv. and 135. Frankf. Schmer- ber. 20 Ngr. Roth, Dr Karl, d. altest. Urk. d. Bisthumes Freising, nach Kotzroh's Handschr. (To a. d. 835). 8vo. pp. iii. and 44. MUnchen, Finsterlin. 10 Ngr. Sallustii Opera, ed. Kritz. Vol. III. Hist. Fragm. 8vo. pp. xliv. and 428, with 3 facsimiles in 4to. Leipz., Teubn. 3 Thlr. Recogn. J. C. Orelli. 2nd Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 329. Turici, Meyer u. Zeller. 10 Ngr. Schbmann, G. F., Disput. de Aristotelis cens. carm. epicorum. 4to. pp. 27. Gry- phisw. Koch. 8 Ngr. Ejusd. Diss, de Jovis incunabulis. 4to. pp. 23. lb. 8 Ngr. Ejusd. Diss, de Phorcyne ejusque familia. 4to. pp. 30. lb. 10 Ngr. Ejusd. Diss. de reticentia Homeri. 4to. pp. 23. lb. 8 Ngr. Ejusd. Diss, de Appendice Theog. Hes. 4to. pp.27. lb. 8 Ngr. Schultz, A. M. Ferd., de Chers. Thrac. Capp. 2. Diss, inaug. 8vo. pp. iv. and 128. Berolini, Hertz. 15 Ngr. Sepp, Joh. Nep., d. Leben Jesu Christi u. s. w. Vol. I. 2nd Edition. 8vo. pp. vi. and 553. Regensburg, Manz. Silvii, Polemii, laterculus. Ed. Mommsen. 4to. pp. 48. Hirzel. 16 Ngr. [Repr. from the Leipz. Trans. Vol. III.] Sophokles. Erkl. v. Schneidewin. 03d. Tyr. 2nd Edition. 8vo. pp. 162. Leipz. "Weidm. 10 Ngr. Antigone, pp. 160. 10 Ngr. Steph. Thes. ed. Didot. Part LI. Fol. pp. 160. 12s. Tertulliani quae supersunt omnia. Ed. Fr. Oehler. Vol. II. 8vo. pp. iii. 804, and Index ccxiii. Lips. Weigel. 6 Thlr. (The whole 16 Thlr.) Thomas, G. Mart., Schreiben d. griech. Patriarchen Maximus von Constantinopel an d. Dogen Giovanni Mocenigo v. Venedig, Jan. 1480. 4to. pp. 48. MUnchen, Franz. [Repr. from the Trans, of the Acad.] Thuc. ii. 35. Doderlein, Dr Ludov., Interpret, orat. fun. Pericleae. 4to. pp. 16. Erlang. Biasing. 3 Ngr. Troost, Disquis. de discip., quem in quarto Evangelio dilexisse Jesus dicitur. 8vo. pp. xii. and 132. Lugd. Bat. (Lips. Weigel). 1 Thlr. Valerius, Probus, de notis antiquis. Ed. Mommsen. 8vo. pp. 44. Leipz., Hirzel. 10 Ngr. [Repr. from the Leipz. Trans. 1853.] Vomel, J. Thdr., 2 Cod. Demosth. conditio. 4to. pp. 18. Frankf. Brb'nner. 5 Ngr. "Waltharius, poema sec. X. Ex recens. Cod. reg. bibl. Bruxell. sec. ed. equitis L. G. Provana... repetend. cur. J. F. Neigebaur. 8vo. pp. 48. Monachii, Franz. 10 Ngr. Walther, O. A., Hand-Lex. d. jurist. Literatur d. 19 Jahrh. 2nd Half. 8vo. pp. 417 933. Weimar, Jansen. 4 Thlr. (The whole, 7 Thlr.) Xenophontis Hellen. Lib. i et n. Ed. Lud. Breitenbach. 8vo. pp. xxxv. and 134. Gothae, Hennings. 1 Thlr. Zappert, Geo., Ub. sogenannte Verbruderungs-BUcher u. Nekrologieen im Mittelalter. 8vo. pp. 85 and Append. 12. Wien, Braumuller. 24 Ngr.