Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/116

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novellis viridibus-glaucis, minutissirne efc breviter glandulosis, sub- tetragonis sulcatis. Internodia elongata, 10-20 mm longa. Spinas folia excedentes, 25 mm attingentes, patentes, acerosae, elegantes. Folia elliptica vel elliptico-oblonga, unifoliolata, maxima 15 mm longa et 6 mm lata, spinulosomucronata, glanduloso-puberula, nervis obscuris, margine aliquantulum incurvata, petiolata, petiolo 4 mm attingente. Sepala lanceolata vel ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, gland- uloso-puberula. Petala non vidimus. Pedunculus recurvus varia- bilis, generatim capsulae aequilongus, glanduloso-puberulus. Capsula duplo latior quam longa, profunde 5-loba, depressa, acuta, velutina et glanduloso-puberula. Stylus persistens, capsulae aequilongus vel brevior. Semina ovoidea, valde compressa, foveolata-punctata. (Sub microscopio glandulae minutissimae nitentes unarnquamque foveolam circumdantes conspici possunt). Differt a Fagonia Olivieri glandulis non sessilibus, spinis folia multum superantibus, forma foliorum et sepalorum, foliis longe-petiolatis. Loc. : Panjguri (no. M 8 E). Fr. in May 1918. Vern. Name : Karkawag (Bab).

Fagonia arabica L. Sp. PI. 553. Loc. : Manter Juzbaf, about 40 miles S. of Panjgur, about 3,200 ft. (no. M 203). Fr. in April 1918. Uses : The roots and thicker parts of the stems of this plant are said to be good for coughs. They are either chewed raw, or boiled in water and the water drunk. I chewed a piece of root and found it strongly astringent, and the taste very lasting. It is said that large quantities of the roots are exported from this neighbourhood to Sind and other countries. (Hotson.) Vern. Name : Shurdo, or Shordu (Bal.).

Fagonia sp. Prope F. thebaicam Boiss. Loc. : Harboi, 18 miles E3E of Kalat, 9,000 ft. (no. 73) ; under Harboi, 16 miles ESE of Kalat, 8,400 ft. (no- 45). Grows in thick clusters. Vern. Name : Chunak gird pith.

Zygophyllum L.

Zygophyllum eurypterum Boiss. A Bnhse An fa. 49. Loc. : Kuchkan, about 17 miles WSW of Panjgur, about 2,900 ft. (no. M 135) ; Kalgali Kaur, N. of Zayaki Jangal, about 4,800 ft., one of the commonest plants (no. M 135 C) ; Shahdadzai, 72 miles S. of Kalat, 5,100 ft., exceedingly common all over this country and Makran. Grows low and is so constantly grazed down by camels and other animals that it is very rare to find any leaves on it (no. 150). Fr. in March 1918. Vern. Name : Kirech, Alonj.

Zygophyllum trialatum Blatt. & Hall. spec. nov. Frutex, ramis albidis sulcatis, ad nodos incrassatis. Folia obovato-obtusa, interdum mucrone minutissimo, in petiolum attenuata, petiolo laminae tertiam partem attingente, 30 mm longa, 15 mm lata, juniora pubesc- entia, Vetera glabra. Stipulae breviter. triangulares, longe-cuspidatae. Flores axillares, solitarii. Pedunculi calyce 4-plo longiores, aliqu- antulum pubescentes, fructificantes ad apicem incrassati. Sepala 4, 5 mm longa, 2& mm lata, oblonga, margine scariosa, apice obtusa vel retusa, in parte apicali tantum pubescentia. Squamae 4, oblonga, fimbriatae in parte dimidia superiore, ovario aequilongae. Petala sepalis duplo longiora flava, late elliptico-oblonga, obtusa, glabra,