Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/117

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Stamina 8, exserta. Stylus ovario duplo longior. Capsula trialata globosa, depressa, basi et apice retusa. Differt a Zygophyllo euryptero pedunculis longis, stipulis longe-cuspidatis, capsula trialata. Loc. : Quetta. Fl, and fr. in July 1918.

Zygophyllum simplex L. Mant. 68 Loc. : Las Bela, about 700 ft. (no. 398). Fl. and fr. in Oct. 1917. Vem. Name : Fesul (Sindbi of Bela).

ZygopHyllum fabago L, Sp. FL 551. Loc. : Quetta ; Kulbar vallev above Dagja, 62° 32' E. 26° 15' N. (no. M. 31 A.). Fl. in July 1918. Vem. Name : Shurdu (Bal.).

Zygophyllum coccineum L. Sp. PL 551. Loc. : Junction of Ragbai and Sichk rivers (Kharan), about 3,600 ft. (no. M 31 C) ; Karochi Darkaf, about 60 miles N. by E. of Pasni, about 1,400 ft. (no. M. 31 A.) ; Turbat, about 600 ft. (no. M 3) ; Kaurdat 10 miles N. of Rekin, about 1,900 ft. (no. M. 31 B.) ; NE of Hosbap, about 60 miles ENE of Turbat, about 2,000 ft. (no. M 31) ; near Manguli, 197 miles SSW of Kalat (no. 234). Fl. in Feb. and April 1918. Vem. Names : Shurdu (Bal. Br.), Sohro (Bal ). Note : The leaves seem to vary a good deal. We note the following forms : (a) All leaves unifoliolate, leaflets cylindrical, one only clavate, shorter than the petiole, green ; (b) All leaves unifoliolate, cylindrical, about as long as the petiole, reddish ; (c) Leaves, L-2-foliolate. Leaflets shorter than petiole, generally clavate ; (d) Leaflets 1 or 2, of variable length, sub-cylindrical. »


Seetzenia orientalis Dene. Fl. Sin. 56, tab. 7. Loc. : Near Bazdad, 25 miles E. of Chambar (Kolwa), about 1,850 ft. (no. M 95 C). Fl. in April 1918. Vem. Name : Cheink (Bal.).

Peganum L.

Peganum harmala L. Sp. PL 638. Loc. : Kalat, 7,000 ft. (no. 2); Chahdadzai, 72 miles S. of Kalat, 5,100 ft. (no. 2 C) ; Quetta ; Pirandar, 205 miles SSW of Kalat, about 1,900 ft. ; Sarchib, about 62° 40' E., 26° 16 N (no. M 119) ; Nag (W. Kolwa) about 83 miles E. by N. of Turbat, about 2,300 ft. (no. M 119 A) ; Zayaki Jangal, 27° 54' N, 65° 51' E, about 4,600 ft. (no. M 119 B) : Sitani, 59 miles S. of Kalat, 5,300 ft. (no. 2 B). Fl. in April and July 1918, Sept. 1917.— Fr. in June 1918, Aug. 1917. Uses : The seeds are burnt on charcoal or coal, and their scent, which is pleasant, inhaled by people who are sick in any way. Vem. Names : Kisankur (Bal. Br.), Aspantan, Gandako (Bal.). The seeds are called " harmul ".


MONSONIA L. Monsonia heliotropioides Boiss. Fl. Or. I (1867) 897. Loc. : Hushtar Rahi, 160 miles 8. of Kalat, about 3,700 ft. (no. 303). Fl. in Sept. 1917. Vem. Name : Gudbaher (Br. Bal.).

Erodium IS Her it. Erodium laciniatum Cav. Diss. '128, tab. 113, fig. 3. Loc. : Quetta, Fr. in July 1918.

(To be continued)