Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/118

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New Indian Species, etc.

Bonnaya bracteoides Blatt. arid Hall, Spec. Nov., Journ, Bomb. Nat. hist. Soc. XXV {1918) 416.

Bonnaya estamjnodiosa Blatt. and Hall, Spzc. Nov., I. c. 416.

Bonnaya quinqueloba Blatt. and Hall, Spec. Nov., I. c. 4$.

Bonnaya micrantha Blatt. and Hall, Spec. Nov., I. c. 417.

Bonnaya veronicaefolia Sprang., Bonnaya grandiflora Spreng., and Bonnaya verbenaefolia Spreng. should be considered as distinct species ac- cording to Blatter and Hallberg, I.e. 418 19.

Ilysanthes hyssopioides Heath, and Ilysanthes parviflora Benlh. According to Blatter and Hallberg (1. c. 419—20) their synonymy should be corrected as follows : —

Ilysanthes hyssopioides Benth.i'i DC. Pronr. X, 419— Gratiola hysso- pioides Bcnth Scroph. Lid. 34. Ilysanthes parviflora Bcnth, in DC. Prodr. X, 41 7.— Gratiola parviflora Boxb. Cor. PI. Ill, 3, t. 203; Fl, Lid. I, 104,— Bonnaya hyssopioides Wight Ic. t. So 7. —Bonnaya parviflora Bcnth, Scroph. Ind. 34.

Mazus McC3nnii Blatt and Hall. Spec. Nov., Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. XXV (1918)423.

Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm. to include L, polyantha Boyle, accord- ing to Blatter and Hallberg, Is, 424.

Rotala pentandra Blatt. and Hall. Nov. Comb., I.e. 707.

Rotala Fysonii Blatt. and Hall, Spec. Nov.

Rotala stipulata Blatt. and Hall.' Spec. Nov.. I.e. 710.

Rotala indica Blatt. and Hall. Nov., Comb., I.e. 711.

Rotala rotundifolia Blatt. and Hall. Nov. Comb., I.e. 71S.

Ammannia desertorum Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., I.e.. XXVI [1918) 213.

Farsetia macrantha Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., I.e. 220. . Melhania magnifolia Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., I.e. 228

Zizyphus truncata Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., I.e. 234.

Psoralea odorata Blatt. and Hall. Spec Nov., l.c, 238.

Tephresia multiflora Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., l.c. 239.

Tepbrosia petrosa Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., l.c. 239.

Rhynchosia rhombifolia Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., l.c. ?4j.

Rhynchosia arenaria Blatt. and Hall. Spec. Nov., l.c. 243. '

Euphorbia laeta Hcyne and E. oreophila Mig.- have been restituted by L. J. Sedgwick to their former rank of species in place of E. Rothiana Spreng., l.c. 599.

E. B.

The Flora of Persian Baluchistan and Makran.

Blatter, E, and Hallberg, F. : Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society XXV 4.

The Rev. E. Blatter, S.J., and Prof. F. Hallberg publish a list of the species collected in this area by Capt. I. G. B. Hotson, I.A..R.O. No analysis of the flora is given, but the list shows many genera of our drier districts, represented sometimes by the same species as In S. India, along with genera