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Pulicaria Boissieri Hook. f. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. Ill, 300.— * Loc. : Near Manguli, 197 miles SSW of Kalat, about 2,450 ft. (no. 242); Gwambuk, about 60 miles S. by B. of Panjgur, about 2,700 ft. (no. M 19C.)

Vern. Name : Kunchito (Bal.).

Pulicaria carnosa Burkill in Working List Fl. PI. Baluchistan (1909) 35.— Loc. : Padigazu, 40 miles SSW of Panjgur, about 2,700 ft. (no. M19). Fr. in Dec. 1919.

Uses : Very favourite camel grazing ; has a strongly apperient effect. Horses will eat it at a pinch. The effect in them is not marked (Hotson).

Vern. Name : Kunchid.

Pulicaria grispa Benth. in Gen. PI. II, 336. — Loc. : Teghab (no. 190) ; Kochau 122 miles SW of Kalat, 4,150 ft. (no. 5 A) ; Pirandar, 205 miles SSW of Kalat, about 1,900 ft. (no. 24C) ; Shambaz Kalat, about 24 miles SSW of Panjgur, about 2,800 ft. (no. MJ99) ; Rek Chah, 11 miles E of Chambar (Kolwa) about 1,800 ft. (no. M1330) ; Panjgur (no. M133D); Hills S. of Chambar (Kolwa) 26' 9' N, 64° 42' E, about 2,000 ft. M133B); Mohtaji Kand, about 22 miles SW of Panjgur, about 2,800 ft. (no. M133, M133A).— Fl. and fr. from March to May 1918, from Aug. to Sept. 1917.

Uses : The plant is boiled and the liquid given to children in whose stomach milk turns sour.

Vern. Names : Boraku (Bal.), Rambo (Br.), Pihupulli (Br.), Bo-i- Madaran (Bal. Br.).

Pulicaria S p. Loc. : Turbat (no. M2) ; Ispikan, 16 miles NE of Mand, about 1,050 ft. (no. M2A). Fl. and Fr. in March 1918.

Vern. Names : Kolmir (Bal.), Kolbur (Br.).

Xanthium L.

Xanthium strumarium L. Sp. PI. {1753) 987.-— hoc. : Surab, 43 miles S. of Kalat, 5,750 ft., grows beside irrigation channels (no. 106). Fr. in Aug. 1917.

Uses : Said to be useless and only eaten by goats.

Vern. Name : Bichudi (Br.).

Eclipta L.

Eclipta erecta L. Mantiss. II (1771) 286.— Loc. : Jebri, 147 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,850 ft. (no. 221) ; Nag (VV. Kolwa), about 83 miles E. by N. of Turbat, about 2,300 ft. (no. M 235, M 235 A) ; Zidi, 15 miles ESS of Khozdar, about 3,600 ft. (no. 355) ; Gajar, 165 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,450 ft. (no. 221 A) ; grows in water channels in cultivation. Fl. and fr. in Aug. and Sept. 1917.

Vern. Names : Bikgur (Br.), Murida (Bal.).

Achillea L.

Achillea Santolina L. Sp. PI. 1,264. — Loc. : Near Quetta ; Kalat, about 6,350 ft. (no. M399, M399 B).— Fl. and fr. in July 1918.

Vern. Name : Known in Kalat under the name of Bo-i-Madaran, which is the name for a Pulicaria.